Teaching Seminars

Experience from our teaching seminars shows quite a pressing domestic need for a more structured and profound understanding of film language and filmmaking – in terms of theory as we all practice. Film is a medium that has been around for over a century. We've all practically grown up with it, but most people don't really know how it works. Accordingly, hand in hand with enthusiastic film teachers, it's been our great joy to organize regional teaching seminars as part of preschool, primary, secondary and university educational institutions, as well as adult and senior education courses. Together, we're happy to broaden the circle of those interested in animation, and especially delighted with the children's own talent. To this end we teamed up with the French studio La Ménagerie to develop special image capturing software, the Kool Capture, which can be used with a simple webcam on either PC or Mac to create animation at home. Kool Capture is free of charge!